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Mary Ellen Wood | Drama Fauna

Business Name: Drama Fauna

Business Website: http://www.dramafauna.com

Facebook Page: https://m.facebook.com/drama.fauna/

Instagram Handle: Drama.fauna

Etsy Page: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DramaFauna

Mary Ellen Wood
Drama Fauna

My day job is animal control. I moved to Puget Sound 3 years ago from California. I live in Lynnwood with my fiancee, two housemates, 4 dogs, a hedgehog, a bearded dragon, and several fish.

Elevator Pitch: I started making paper mache masks as a craft for my upcoming wedding. I discovered I had a knack and a passion for it and decided to start selling custom animal masks on Etsy. I plan on expanding my product line soon to include custom pet memorial sculptures and faux taxidermy mounts.

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