9326 SW Bayview Dr., Vashon, WA 98070
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Small Business Classes

Small Business Classes

In addition to networking and activities that help us connect as a community of makers and business owners, the weekend will be chock full of speaker sessions, small business classes, panel discussions, and roundtables pertaining to topics that are particularly relevant to those of us in the world of craft businesses.



business classes

Want to infuse your Goals with “Reiki Magic”?

Reiki is a Japanese energy technique that supports relaxation, creativity, clarity, and healing. The PERFECT ingredients for manifesting our desires!

Creating a Vision Board is a fun, easy way to not only envision our goals, but to actually achieve them.

This workshop starts with clarifying journal prompts and a short collaborative discussion about your insights and your goals.

Then, you’ll lay back and experience a guided Reiki Healing Meditation. This meditation supports your connection to your intuition and further clarification about your desires.

From there, you create your Vision Boards!

And finally, we do an Intentional Gratitude Meditation to “Reiki Charge” the Vision Boards so you can go home with your own “Reiki Infused” Vision Board.

with Brigitta Dau

Reiki Magic Vision Board


This class will outline which aspects of your business are the most important to keep track of, and strategies and suggestions for how to incorporate this into your everyday life so that you aren’t slammed with an overwhelming amount of work come tax-time.
We’ll cover why and how to track revenue, expenses (and which are deductible), business miles, home office expenses, and saving receipts. We’ll also have time for Q&A so bring your burning record-keeping questions!

with Lindsey Ross



Record-Keeping for Your Small Business



Remember when you were young and any object was a few pieces of tape away from being a rocket ship? Imagination was easy to access, creativity was abundant, and play was part of every day. As adults, especially creative ones, play is just as important. Practicing play promotes creativity, helps broaden perspectives, and inspires new ideas. It also makes space for a testing ground where ‘success’ or ‘failure’ isn’t an important measure. In this class we’ll use unconventional materials to practice seeing familiar objects in a new way, challenging you to explore your imagination and make play part of your creative process.

with Zoe Osenbach



The Importance of Play: Using Unconventional Materials to Explore Your Imagination

Are you looking to sell at more craft shows this year? Are you having difficulty getting into shows? Kristen and Heather will do a deeper dive into a myriad of topics from applying to vending. We will cover everything from picking the right shows for you, to how to apply if you are an omnicrafter, to photo submissions, to what to do at the show itself (or what to do if you are rejected). 

Kristen has been a craft show vendor for 30 years and an organizer for nearly 18 years. Heather has been working in show production with various groups for 15 years. We hope to answer a lot of questions, demystify some of the process and leave you feeling excited to get in the craft show game once you leave. We HIGHLY suggest taking Chris Guillot’s class, Merchandising for Craft Shows & Pop-up Shops, right after this class to feel confident in your game from start to finish.

with Kristen Rask and Heather Peek


Join us for a 2 hour hands-on ecoprinting workshop where I’ll guide you through the process of creating beautiful eco-prints with an intention. We’ll start by soaking the fabric and exploring design ideas, then dive into crafting your unique patterns. I’ll be there to answer questions and offer feedback. While the bundles are steaming, I’ll answer any questions and discuss the complete ecoprinting process. Finally, we’ll unveil your stunning creations and discuss care tips. This workshop is a fantastic opportunity to laugh, have fun, and make lasting memories with friends while exploring your creativity.

with Atenas


Ecoprint with an intention

This presentation is your comprehensive guide to mastering small business management, effectively serving as a “small business MBA in a box.” It covers essential topics including bookkeeping, financial management, email marketing, and strategic planning. You’ll learn crucial skills like when to take on debt, how to hire the right staff, setting appropriate pricing, and fostering a company culture that promotes growth and success. Ideal for business owners seeking to bridge the knowledge gap between their current operations and future achievements, this session will equip you with the universal tools needed to thrive in small business ownership.

with Kellie Phelan

Small Business MBA in a Box

Camp ThunderCraft wouldn’t be nearly as awesome without our generous sponsors! All these wonderful businesses are helping out in some way to make sure the weekend is super fantastic.