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Noelle Barnes | GlassyRock Arts

Business Name: GlassyRock Arts

Business Website: www.glassyrockarts.com

Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/glassyrockarts

Instagram Handle: @glassyrockarts

Noelle Barnes

Bio: I’m Noelle, and I am a treasure hunter. I love to comb beaches and riverbeds, always searching to see what the water will reveal for me. I have always gravitated towards the translucent bits – sea glass, agates, quartz. But after years of finding these glassy treasures, my “glassyrocks,” I wasn’t sure what to do with them – until I realized there might be a place for them in the stained glass art I was already making. So now I make increasingly ambitious and complex, sometimes layered stained glass artwork and have had a business, mostly online, since last May – in part a pandemic-related life re-alignment, moving away from two decades in corporate life. I’m revving things up for a few art shows this year (first time) and while I feel comfortable in the digital marketing space after that long time in tech, I’m still learning how to be a small business owner!

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