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Kellie Mogg | Salty Sisters Designs

Website:  https://www.saltysistersdesigns.com/

Instagram: @SaltySistersDesigns

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SaltySistersDesigns1/


Bio: I am a co-owner of Salty Sisters Designs, and I manage all of our Southeast Alaska chapter. My roles include production, working craft fairs throughout the year, bookkeeping, brand development, and social media management. And of course fishing and processing fish skins 🙂 My favorite part about our company is that we get to showcase the value of knowing where our things come from, whether it be our jewelry or our seafood, in a unique way. My focus this next year is to enhance the educational part of our brand and also to find more of a market in Seattle, both for a further reach for our business and so I can have the opportunity to get some more time in a city throughout the year. Additionally, I manage our contract employee who runs our Southcentral Alaska chapter.

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