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Andrea Taylor | Bombini Skin

Business Name: Bombini Skin

Business Website: bombiniskin.com

Facebook Page: facebook.com/bombiniskin

Instagram Handle: @bombiniskin

Andrea Taylor

Bio: Over 12 years ago, I was struggling with a chronic illness that was made much worse by exposure to fragranced skincare. With a family of five, all with dry skin, we needed an option that wouldn’t impact me further. There weren’t many options, at least that I could afford, so I started making my own. From a bottle of Jojoba oil and some Shea Butter I crafted some products and a passion for the plants and the nourishing oils and butters they provide. This love of the plants fostered a deeper love for our environment. We now also embrace a low waste lifestyle in our home and business practices. I’m proud that our products are effective, affordable, sustainable and safe for our bodies and the planet.

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