Business Name: Zoe Makes Art
Business Website:
Facebook Page:
Instagram Handle: @zoeophoto
Etsy Page:

I’m trained in analog photography and have combined that with a desire to use recycled materials to create what I call Photography Based Mixed Media. I have spent most of my career so far marketing to galleries in smaller towns, but have recently moved to the City and would like to expand my market – both to bigger galleries and into other markets as well (street fairs, shops, etc.).
Elevator Pitch: I make custom art for people who want something unique, customized to their space, and made from responsibly sourced materials. This person is tired of their Ikea art, but can’t afford (or isn’t interested in) standard gallery art. They want it to feel personal and make sure they’re getting exactly what they want. Through conversations about mutual interests and collaborative efforts, I can make this happen.