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Carmin Clements | Kiss My Scrubs

Business Name: Kiss My Scrubs

Business Website: https://www.kissmyscrubs.com/

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/kissmyscrubs

Instagram Handle: kissmyscrubs

Etsy Page: https://kissmyscrubs.etsy.com/

Carmin Clements
Kiss My Scrubs

I’m a mom. First and foremost, I’m a mom. Before becoming a mom, I had a clear idea of where my life was going to be headed. I went to college specifically for a career, did an offshoot of that career, but then quit that career due to stress and family tragedy. I never once thought I’d become a small business owner; it just wasn’t in my life plan. After about a year of being a stay at home mom, I started The Accidental Housewife and Kiss My Scrubs. My business plan came together during a wine-fueled late night discussion and has expanded from there, though it is not always as wine-fueled. I design my own crochet patterns to (hopefully) sell and am learning how to run a website and Etsy store using only the great Google for guidance. I can procrastinate with the best of them and do my best work under the gun. I have a dog named Captain Fantastic who is named after an Elton John album. I also claim wife, introvert, maker, baker, crochet nerd, amateur carpenter, friend, life partner, teacher, avid reader, audio book listener, crossword solver, and grief survivor as my titles.

Elevator Pitch: I make and sell organic skin care products because I believe that people feel more confident, better equipped to handle the challenges of the world, and more successful in their daily lives when their skin is taken care of, looks, and feels healthy. Too often we spend all of our time taking care of everyone else and we either neglect or don’t feel like we can spend the time taking care of ourselves. If we feel as though we cannot afford the time, we certainly don’t feel like we can afford the money. Organic skin care should be available to everyone, in terms of both monetary and time cost. Kiss My Scrubs makes that a possibility with reasonably priced shower scrubs for a spa experience in your own shower, lotion bars that can help to heal your skin, and bath bombs when you want that extra luxury of a long soak. Feel good about your skin and feel good about yourself.

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