Business Name: Rebecca Prosser Designs
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Instagram Handle: @fidgetyknits
Etsy Page:

After a very brief career in law that ended in disability, a friend’s mother taught me how to knit. Though only able to knit a few stitches at a time, I found great joy in the design and creation of knitted clothing. Fifteen years later, I decided to turn my love of knitting design into a career. My undergrad degree was in psychology. I’ve tutored statistics, worked in retail, and taken calculus classes for fun. I enjoy travel both near and far, contemporary art and fashion design. I have three cats and a wonderful spouse who’s crazy matches my crazy. From April thru Sept, when I’m not knitting, tending my cats, or adulting, I can often be found in my small organic veg & flower garden playing with plants, bugs, & creepy crawlies..