Business Name: Foxtail Jewelry
Business Website:
Facebook Page:
Instagram Handle: @foxtailjewelry
Etsy Page:

Hi!! My name is Betsy Yates. I should first mention that I am a CAMP KID through and through! I was a camper for 11 consecutive years and a counselor for 1 summer, so it’s hard to contain my enthusiasm at the thought of attending an adult CRAFT CAMP for ENTREPRENEURs that sounds like it was basically made for me. Arts and crafts at camp was always my favorite time of the day 🙂 My full time gig is designing, producing, and managing Foxtail Jewelry. I’ve been running and growing my own business for 7 years now, and am constantly looking to grow/expand/learn/network/share/teach/collaborate with other makers and designers. I am currently at a point with my business where scaling my business is an exciting and less daunting (and very necessary!) prospect for 2019, and look forward to the potential for all of this at ThunderCraft!