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Faye Ziegeweid | Queen Fayzel

Business Name: Queen Fayzel

Business Website: queenfayzel.com

Facebook Page:  facebook.com/queenfayzel

Instagram Handle:  @QueenFayzel

Bio:  For over a decade, Faye Ziegeweid has been making textured greeting cards, inspired by seasons and sentiments, and usually adorned with glitter. In 2019, she shifted her professional focus from public health project management to creative small business, and founded Queen Fayzel. Born and raised on a farm in Wisconsin, Faye made her way to Seattle via St. Paul, Minnesota and Nashville, Tennessee. Along the way, she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies from Macalester College and her Master of Public Health degree from the University of Washington School of Public Health’s Community-Oriented Public Health Practice (COPHP) Program. When she’s not designing and creating, Faye is gathering inspiration from her garden, finding amusement in terrible puns, and holding regular caucuses with her two cats.

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